
Actions as examples

One of the benefits that BDDfy's approach has it its flexibility.

ExampleAction actionToPerform = null;
int valueShouldBe = 0;
var story = this.Given(_ => SomeSetup())
    .When(() => actionToPerform)
    .Then(_ => ShouldBe(valueShouldBe))
    .WithExamples(new ExampleTable("Action to perform", "Value should be")
        { new ExampleAction("Do something", () => { _value = 42; }), 42 },
        { new ExampleAction("Do something else", () => { _value = 7; }), 7 }

When run you will get this:

Scenario: Can use actions in examples
    Given some setup
    When  <Action to perform>
    Then should be <Value should be>

| Action to perform | Value should be |
| Do something      | 42              |
| Do something else | 7               |

This can make your BDD test incredibly flexible and powerful.